Fortune 100 Study Demonstrates Limitations of Responsive Web Design | The Search Agents

Fortune 100 Study Demonstrates Limitations of Responsive Web Design | The Search Agents.

According to this report from The Search Agents, the average load time for all Responsive Web Design (RWD) sites is over eight seconds. You can draw your own conclusions, but I think everyone can agree that something has gone horribly awry if you have to wait eight seconds for a website to load. Perhaps there was a distortion in the time-space continuum and these RWD were forced to load over a D-Link 56.6K external Voice/Fax/Data modem?

EIGHT SECONDS! My Keurig takes less time to make a cup of coffee!

My Jerry Springer Final Thought: Your mobile strategy has to extend beyond the device. And if you don’t have a mobile strategy well, “You see that flash of light in the corner of your eye…”