Rhode Island Cancelled a Massive Offshore Wind Project

The largest utility in Rhode Island has cancelled a massive offshore wind project, arguing that rising costs are too expensive for its rate payers. They may have a point. The chart below shows the average price of electricity over the past decade.

We will go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t cost-effective.

Kurt Vonnegut

Random Thoughts on Technology

The Network is the Computer – John Gage 1984

Thirty (plus) years after the PC Revolution and twenty (plus) years after the Internet Revolution, most companies are still using computing, networks, and software simply, as a more efficient means of data entry, word processing, and accounting.

It’s remarkable (to me anyways) how slow companies have been to adopt “technology”. I see the same story in virtually every industry. But for a few exceptions most companies view technology as a “bolt-on” or “extension” to their core business. The reality is that “technology” has become the core of their business for one simple reason – The first interaction between any consumer and any brand almost always begins with a search on Google.

“Google is your homepage” – Me 2016