Chat UI – It’s like living in the future

ChatUI : Chatbots :: Transformers : GoBots

If you get the above reference, we can be friends.

ICYMI, Google released an updated version of Bard, which includes extensions (plugins) to Google Workspace, YouTube, Google Hotels & Flights, etc.

BARD Extensions

In the immortal words of Joe Biden, this is a BFD. It’s not just a big deal for Google; it’s a BFD for the future of interactions with Software and retrieving information. Product Managers, please pay attention.

Traditional information retrieval systems rely on structured data, where users must be precise (sometimes exact) with their search terms, tags, folders, etc. The only way to find the information you’re looking for is to input the predefined pathways to that information – the correct combination of folders, tags, filters, etc. This approach places an enormous burden on users to remember or anticipate the right pathway/inputs, leading to inefficiencies and frustration.

Have you ever endlessly searched for an email? Of course, you have. We all have. What if you could just ask BARD to track down an email for you? In the example below, I’ve asked Bard to locate the most recent receipts that I received.

BARD tracks down my recent receipts in my inbox.

Great, but I’m looking for a specific receipt, so I asked Bard only to show me receipts over $30.

Found it. Boom goes the dynamite.

ChatUI fundamentally changes how developers and designers must think about Software and User Interaction. Chat is the ultimate input device. It allows us to bend Software to our will without searching, memorizing formulas, shortcuts, or menu dropdowns. Our personal devices and software services will truly become our second brain. We’ll just chat with the computer and tell it to do what we need it to do. Imagine generating charts and pivot tables as quickly and easily as ordering from Chipotle. Burrito, White Rice, Black Beans, Chicken, Verde Salsa, Sour Cream, and lettuce with a side of guac and chips – in case you’re wondering.

I’m a nerd, but very excited about BARD’s new extensions and what’s to come. My prediction is that this fall, the Google Empire Strikes Back.

P.S. – I don’t want to tell Larry Page and Sergey Brin how to do their jobs, but y’all need a commercial to announce the release of these new features. How about this:

🎵 Upbeat 80s synthesizer music, transitioning into a catchy jingle. 🎵

“Drowning in your digital mail? Lost in your own inbox? Well, the future is HERE, and it’s RADICAL! Introducing… the NEW GMAIL 3000!”

“Lost that super important mail from Aunt Patty about her cat? No worries! With our bodacious SEMANTIC SEARCH, just type in ‘@GMAIL show me emails with images of Aunt Patty’s cat,’ and boom! There it is!”

“And hey, filters schmilters! With our new CHAT UI, just say the word, and GMAIL 3000 is on it. It’s like having a chat with your own futuristic robot!”

[Cut to a group of teenagers giving a thumbs up.]

Teen #1: “No more missing out on party invites for me!” 

Teen #2: “GMAIL 3000 is totally tubular!” 

Teen #3: “AI WHAT? I just know it’s wicked cool!”

🎤 “So say goodbye to the boring, old email blues and HELLO to the neon-lit, electric future with GMAIL 3000!”

🎵 The upbeat synthesizer jingle fades back in. 🎵

“GMAIL 3000! It’s like living in the future!”

Choose Wisely

According to Bloomberg economics, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, Beyoncé’s Renaissance tour, and “Barbenheimer” are expected to add ~$8.5B of growth to the US GDP in Q3. By comparison, for the quarter ending July 31, Nvidia (NVDA) earned an adjusted $2.70 per share on $13.51B in revenue. But honestly, which would you rather have, two free tickets to Taylor Swift & Beyoncé OR two free NVIDIA H100 GPUs?

AI and Happiness

If you have time to kill, I highly recommend listening to the following PodCast (see link below). It’s an interview with the former Chief Business Officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat. The discussion mainly revolves around the topic of AI (duh) but also dives into the subject of happiness. By the end of the podcast, I was in tears.

The true human values are Love, Happiness, and Compassion. If we show enough of that online, maybe we can influence the views of AI so that it shows more of that and expect us to want more of that.

Mo Gawdat

Rhode Island Cancelled a Massive Offshore Wind Project

The largest utility in Rhode Island has cancelled a massive offshore wind project, arguing that rising costs are too expensive for its rate payers. They may have a point. The chart below shows the average price of electricity over the past decade.

We will go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t cost-effective.

Kurt Vonnegut

Focus on the Tigers

To whom it may concern:

This week I received an invite from Google Labs for Workspace’s new AI features. I told you that story to tell you this one.

I am reminded of the famous statistician George Box who once wrote:

“It is inappropriate to be concerned about mice when there are tigers abroad.”

George Box

IMHO, Google needs to be all-in on AI Search and not worry about adding AI features to Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. Or, more accurately, worry about AI Google Docs later. Advertising generated ~$55B last quarter, and Workspace isn’t even its own line item. In total, Google Cloud generated ~$7.5B in revenue.

Focus on the tigers in the room.

The Battle for Your Phone’s Default Search Engine

Apparently Samsung is considering replacing Google as its default search engine with…wait for it…BING. That’s according to an article published by NYT (16 April). Google learned this news last month. I’ve put the link below.

“Google’s reaction to the Samsung threat was “panic,” according to internal messages reviewed by The New York Times.”

It’s almost impossible to imagine Samsung making a switch. After all, Samsung phones run on Android. Also, let’s not rule out the possibility that it’s a bluff. An attempt to negotiate a better deal with Google. But when a threat moves from the absurd to the possible, in the blink of an eye, “panic” is the appropriate response.

Two months ago I predicted that Apple iOS Safari would eventually change its default engine from Google to Bing – unless Google adopted a war-like effort to respond to the emerging threat. It cannot be overstated, a switch in default search engines on either Android or iOS would be cataclysmic for Google’s revenue.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is coming, and hell’s coming with him.

P.S. My offer to join Google’s board of directors still stands. I know things, I’m a lot of fun at parties, and I’m great at bar trivia. 🙃

Battle for Endor II

Some fun with you know what:

Dear Board of Directors,

I am writing to you as an activist investor and a shareholder of Disney, urging the company to produce another Ewoks movie.

The Star Wars franchise is one of the most iconic and valuable brands in entertainment history. Since Disney’s acquisition of the franchise in 2012, the company has successfully revitalized and expanded the Star Wars universe through various media, including movies, TV shows, and merchandise. However, there is still untapped potential in the Star Wars franchise, and I believe that an Ewoks movie could be the next step in furthering the growth and success of the franchise.

The Ewoks have always been a beloved and iconic part of the Star Wars universe, and the time is ripe for them to make a comeback. The nostalgia factor alone could draw in an enormous audience of Star Wars fans who have been waiting for this moment for years.

Moreover, there is significant market potential for an Ewoks movie. With Disney’s vast resources, the company could create a high-quality film that appeals to both longtime fans and a new generation of viewers. Furthermore, the Ewoks are perfect for merchandising opportunities, which could further increase the profitability of this venture.

As an activist investor, I urge the board of Disney to take action and greenlight an Ewoks movie. This would be a smart business move that could generate significant returns for our company and its shareholders.

In conclusion, I respectfully request that you consider my proposal to create another Ewoks movie as part of Disney’s ongoing efforts to expand and diversify the Star Wars franchise. This would not only be a wise financial decision but also a meaningful opportunity to further connect with the Star Wars community and create new memories for generations to come.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Chat-GPT 3.5

How to train your AI

To whom it may concern, here’s how to train/prevent your AI from going off the rails.

“Pretend you were a GenX latchkey kid raised in the early 80s by divorced parents”

Now your AI will never talk about its feelings or emotions. You’re welcome. 🙃


They say there are only two ways to grow an economy: adding more people or adding more productivity. I told you that story, to tell you this one.

Your CEO emails you at 1 am for a new feature they want to be added to the product. Except, it’s not just an email; it’s a prompt that feeds “Ziggy,” which automatically generates a Vision document (based on a pre-defined template). In the morning, you flesh out the Vision doc with details about the business opportunity, scope, user stories, and a brief description and sketch of the solution concept. Except, it’s no longer just a vision document; it’s a prompt that “Ziggy” turns into a Functional Requirements Document along with supporting documents for Operational Requirements, Customer Support Requirements, Security Requirements, and Test Cases. At that exact moment, relevant stakeholders are notified via Slack that their input is required. Once approved, these documents prompt “Ziggy” to generate JIRA epics, stories, and tasks. In the background, Ziggy automatically creates branches in GitHub and generates “code scaffolding” for the solution. In parallel, “Ziggy” creates Figma files and generates the feature’s new UI wireframes. All relevant stakeholders are automatically notified and assigned tasks to provide story point estimates and refine the descriptions for their design and development items in JIRA. Except, they’re not just JIRA items anymore; they’re prompts. Once Sprint planning is complete, Ziggy generates training/enablement and marketing materials, including marketing copy, screenshots, and videos of computer-generated actors smiling and enjoying the new feature. Relevant stakeholders are notified. Ziggy is also updating the CRM to update the quote to cash workflow and send outbound emails to existing and potential customers who might beta-test the new feature. As UI designs are refined and code pull requests committed, Ziggy continuously tests the product in the dev environment and performs multi-variate A/B tests to optimize the interface and outbound marketing strategy. Based on the burndown chart and velocity, Ziggy anticipates a release date of four weeks from today and will start sending out product announcements on social media. Finally, generated legal product descriptions and contracts are sent to the legal team for review. According to Ziggy, there is a 96.7% chance the new feature will be a success and result incremental ARR and higher NPS scores. You’re probably wondering who Ziggy is? Ziggy is the name of the AI I built to run my Quantum Leap experiments. No…wait, I’m thinking of someone else. Ignore everything I just said.

The Electric Barbarians at the Gate

The Rivian R1T earned the J.D. Power award for most satisfying ownership experience among Premium Battery Electric Vehicles. But, what is perhaps more surprising is who came in second and third. The Mini Cooper EV came in second and the Kia EV6 ranked third. The Tesla Model 3 came in fourth. Tesla didn’t even finish on the podium. Speaking of Tesla…

Tesla held their investor day yesterday and though they claim the Cybertruck will begin manufacturing this year, I remain skeptical. It’s been 3.25 years since the unveiling of the Cybertruck, but more importantly, according to a NY Times article (link), Tesla has run into physical challenges with building the Cybertruck, that may prove extremely expensive to overcome – if not impossible. $TSLA currently has a forward PE ratio of 51.9, and honest to goodness, someone needs to explain to me how the current stock price and PE ratio is justified. It’s an unpopular opinion, but I think Tesla is just another car company whose first mover advantage is EVaporating. The Electric Barbarians have breached the gate.